Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 10 - URI On A Diet

9:24 p.m. - No real post for today. I have a cold hence the URI (upper respiratory tract infection) in the title of this post. My nose is running and my head is throbbing with sinus pressure. Getting work done but that is about it. Had to force myself to eat and didn't take one of the doses of the medication because my timing is all off and I didn't want to take it too close bedtime. I don't know if the lack of appetite is from the cold or if the medication kicked in has really taken effect and I'm just not hungry. I will see what happens tomorrow. Now that I can eat veggies, I should be able to get my nutrients to stay healthy. I only ate about 360 calories today because I skipped a meal. I didn't eat breakfast until 11:30 and then I was really busy with work and that ran in to everybody coming home so I really didn't think about eating until Stan and Steven left for practice. So I ate at 6:00 p.m. I hope the dietitians doesn't yell at me when I show her my journal on Tuesday.
  • 11:30 a.m. - Egg White Omelete (5 egg whites) with Spinach and onions - 143 calories.
  • 6:00 p.m. - Ground beef crumbles, salad and dressing - 220 Calories
Total for day - 363 Calories

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