Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 32 - Little Triumphs

Just had to take a picture to see my results from the camera's point of view. I should have held my stomach in a little more but in 22 more pounds, I shouldn't have to worry about that. The thing I am most concerned about is my face and neck. My face does not look as bloated has it had 18 pounds ago. I am so thrilled to be losing and I did step on the home scale this morning and I think I am actually at 20 pounds now but I will wait for the official weigh-in on Tuesday. The thing is it has been 4-1/2 weeks and the eating habits and the resolve to lose weight is sticking. We celebrated another birthday at my Thursday night card group and my dear friend Carole brought a red velvet cake that she baked for our friend Sue. Oh my goodness it looked so delicious. Well the old me on a diet would have said "oh just one little piece and then I'll be good tomorrow." But the new me said (to myself) "well some day I may be able to have a taste if I want but not while I'm trying to lose weight." The old me on a diet is practically history but I like celebrating my little triumphs. For three weeks in row my weekly group celebrated birthdays and I was not tempted one iota to break the program and eat cake. Last night too I even resisted the urge to eat the little crunchies in the bottom of the fried chicken box. I picked one piece up and I said to myself "that's the old me." Our hostess last night said her husband was doing Medi Weightloss. She wanted me to give him some tips for being successful because he has been on it for 7 months (actually on and off it for 7 months). He claims he lost 30 pounds but he is a big guy and he did eat a piece of the cake. I don't understand spending all the money for a weight loss program and not following what they are telling you. Another friend told me about some really low carb ice cream bars that I could probably have and I just told my friends, I am paying big bucks for this program so I am eating only what they tell me to eat. For any of you on a diet also, FOCUS is important. Stay focused on your goal and you can do it.
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1 comment:

  1. a huge congrats to must stay focused...i am very proud of you, you will be so happy when you reach your final goal!

    still cheering you on!

    enjoy *~*
